Company medical examinations 



Underlying hazard factor



Follow-up interval (NU)

from 3rd NU according to AMR 1.2 from 5/16

G 1.1

Silicogenic dust

Lung function, X-ray lung

3 years

G 1.2

Dust containing asbestos fibres

Lung function, X-ray lung

3 years

G 1.3

Artificial mineral dust of cat 1 or 2

Lung function, X-ray lung

3 years

G 1.4

General dust

Lung function, X-ray lung

3 years

G 2

Lead or its compounds

Blood sampling, biomonitoring

3 years

G 3


Blood sampling

3 years

G 4

Hazardous substances that cause skin cancer or cancer-prone skin changes

Urine analysis, biomonitoring if necessary

3 years

G 5

Glycol dinitrate or glycerol nitrate

Blood sampling, Schellong test, exercise ECG, long-term blood pressure measurement

3 years

G 6

Carbon disulphide

Blood sampling, biomonitoring if necessary, exercise ECG

3 years

G 7

Carbon monoxide

Blood sample, lung function, exercise ECG

3 years

G 8


Blood sampling, biomonitoring if necessary

3 years

G 9

Mercury or its compounds

Blood sampling, biomonitoring if necessary, urine analysis

3 years

G 10


Blood sampling, biomonitoring if necessary, eye test

3 years

G 11

Hydrogen sulphide

Blood sampling, ECG

3 years

G 12

Phosphorus (white)

Blood sampling

3 years

G 13

Tetrachloromethane (carbon tetrachloride)

Blood sampling, biomonitoring if necessary, ECG

3 years

G 14

Trichloroethene (trichloroethylene)

Blood sampling, biomonitoring if necessary, ECG

3 years

G 15

Chromium VI compounds

Blood sampling, biomonitoring if necessary, lung function, X-ray lungs and paranasal sinuses

3 years

G 16

Arsenic or its compounds

Blood sampling

3 years

G 17


Blood sampling, biomonitoring if necessary, ECG

3 years

G 18

1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane or perchloroethane

Blood sampling, biomonitoring if necessary, ECG

3 years

G 19


Blood sampling, biomonitoring if necessary,

3 years

G 20


Hearing test

3 years

G 21



3 years

G 22

Acid damage to the teeth


3 years

G 23

Obstructive respiratory diseases

Lung function, X-ray lung if necessary

3 years

G 24

Skin diseases (with the exception of skin cancer)


3 years

G 25

Driving, control and monitoring activities

Blood sample, hearing test, eye test, perimetry if necessary

3 years

G 26

Breathing apparatus

Blood sample, lung function, lung X-ray if necessary, ECG or stress ECG if necessary, hearing test, eye test

3 years

G 27


Blood sampling, biomonitoring if necessary, lung function, X-ray lungs

3 years

G 28

Monochloromethane (chlormehan, methyl chloride)

Blood sampling, biomonitoring if necessary, ECG

3 years

G 29

Xylene / Toluene

Blood sampling, biomonitoring

3 years

G 30


Exercise ECG, lung X-ray if necessary

3 years

G 31


Lung function, lung X-ray if necessary, stress ECG, hearing test, eye test

3 years

G 32

Cadmium and its compounds

Blood sample, lung function, lung X-ray if necessary

3 years

G 33

Aromatic nitro and amino compounds

Blood sampling

3 years

G 34

Fluorine and its inorganic compounds

Lung function, X-ray if necessary

3 years

G 35

Working abroad under particular climatic and health conditions

Blood sampling

3 years

G 36

Vinyl chloride

Blood sample, upper abdominal ultrasound

3 years

G 37

Screen work

Eye test

3 years

G 38

Nickel dust

Blood sampling, biomonitoring if necessary, lung function, X-ray lungs and paranasal sinuses

3 years

G 39

Welding fumes

Lung function, X-ray lung, biomonitoring if necessary

3 years

G 40

Carcinogenic and mutagenic hazardous substances

Blood sample, lung X-ray if necessary, upper abdominal ultrasound if necessary

3 years

G 41

Dangers of falling

ECG or stress ECG, hearing test, eye test, perimetry

3 years

G 42

Risk of infection

Blood sampling

3 years

G 43


Blood sampling

3 years

G 44

Hardwood dust

Nasal endoscopy

3 years

G 45


Blood sampling, biomonitoring if necessary, lung function

3 years

G 46

Strain on the musculoskeletal system including vibrations

- not applicable -

3 years

Industry Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed at libero sed enim cursus ultrices. Fusce ac ex vestibulum, luctus leo nec, vehicula risus. Nulla facilisi. Proin in purus ut arcu feugiat elementum. Vivamus eget velit vitae nulla vestibulum rutrum. Nam vitae lorem ac arcu vestibulum sagittis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris ac ex in lorem vehicula fermentum. Phasellus suscipit est eu est fermentum, sed laoreet odio hendrerit. Integer ut lacus eu metus lobortis fringilla. Sed lacinia velit eget magna consectetur placerat. Integer