Occupational health management (OHM) - promoting health, motivation and productivity in the company

Occupational health management (OHM) is more than just a trend - it is a long-term investment in the well-being and performance of employees. In the face of increasing stress and growing demands on companies, the question arises as to how companies can specifically promote the health and motivation of their employees. OHM offers a solution here by systematically linking occupational health and safety, health care and prevention and integrating them into the day-to-day running of the company.

What is occupational health management (OHM)?

Occupational health management encompasses all measures that are specifically aimed at promoting health in the workplace. The core task here is to recognise and reduce physical and mental stress at an early stage and to offer employees a health-promoting working environment in the long term. OHM is based on three pillars: 

  1. Occupational safetyThis includes all legally prescribed measures that contribute to the reduction of work-related hazards, such as risk assessment.
  2. Company integration management (BEM): Provides company support for employees returning to work after a long period of illness.
  3. Workplace health promotion (BGF)These are voluntary measures to promote a healthy lifestyle in the workplace, such as fitness programmes or mental relaxation programmes.

However, comprehensive OHM involves more than just legal requirements: It is about developing a holistic strategy that puts employee well-being at the heart of the corporate culture.

The role of the company doctor in BGM

Company medical staff are among the key figures in occupational health management, as they play both a preventative and supportive role. They carry out regular health checks, offer vaccinations and support the implementation of ergonomic workplaces. They are also responsible for risk assessment, which involves identifying risks in the working environment. A company doctor helps to identify health risks at an early stage and minimise them in a targeted manner - whether through individual prevention programmes or advice on healthy work design. In this way, company medical staff form the backbone of a health-orientated corporate strategy and ensure that work-related health risks are reduced.

Effective measures in occupational health management

Successful OHM includes a wide range of measures that can be flexibly organised depending on the working environment. Here are some tried and tested approaches:

  • Ergonomic workplace design: Ergonomically optimised furniture and workplace designs, such as height-adjustable desks and back-friendly office chairs, help to prevent back pain and tension.
  • Health programmes: Sports and exercise programmes, relaxation courses and workshops on mental health promote the well-being of employees.
  • Company vaccination programmes: Vaccinations against influenza or tetanus, offered by the company doctor, reduce absenteeism and improve employee health.
  • Mental health promotion: workshops on stress management and mental health programmes help employees to cope better with stress and promote a positive working atmosphere.

OHM as a win-win strategy for companies and employees

A well-implemented OHM pays off for companies and employees alike. Employees who feel supported in terms of their health are more motivated and feel more connected to the company. In turn, companies benefit from lower sickness costs and an improved work culture. Studies show that every euro invested in OHM pays off several times over for the company - proof of the long-term benefits of this investment

Success factors for a strong OHM

In order for OHM to be sustainable and effective, companies should consider several success factors.

This is how the Employee participation plays a central role in occupational health management. It should be self-explanatory that employees are actively involved in the planning and design of the OHM that affects them in order to ensure that their needs and suggestions are heard. This participatory approach not only increases the acceptance of the measures, but also their effectiveness, as employees can identify more strongly with the objectives of the OHM.

One Regular evaluation of the OHM measures is also crucial. By continuously reviewing and, if necessary, adapting the measures, it is ensured that they are effective in the long term and can be flexibly adapted to the changing requirements of the working environment and the workforce. In this way, the OHM always remains up-to-date and effective.

Another important aspect is the role of the managers and their commitment. If they actively support the OHM and act as role models in terms of health promotion, this significantly strengthens the health culture in the company. Committed managers contribute significantly to the motivation and involvement of employees and promote an atmosphere in which health is valued as a valuable aspect of the corporate culture.

Conclusion: occupational health management as the key to a healthy workplace

Occupational health management is not just a pillar of corporate strategy - it is the turbo for the health and motivation of employees! By cleverly combining occupational health and safety, integration management and health promotion, it ensures a workforce that is not only healthier, but also happier. Ergonomic workplace design, a wide range of health programmes, first-class medical services and psychosocial support turn every workplace into an oasis of well-being.

Company medical staff are at the forefront of this, recognising potential health risks and offering preventative advice. But the real secret of success? A BGM that is alive! With the active participation of all employees, regular check-ups of the measures and managers who lead the way and inspire, the OHM unfolds its full power. This not only promotes health, but also sustainably increases productivity and employee loyalty - a real benefit for any company!


What is occupational health management (OHM) and why is it important?
OHM encompasses all measures aimed at promoting the health and motivation of employees in the workplace. It combines statutory occupational health and safety requirements with voluntary health promotion programmes, thus ensuring a healthy working environment, greater satisfaction and less absenteeism.

What role does the company doctor play in occupational health management?
The company doctor is an essential part of the OHM. They take on preventative tasks such as health checks, vaccinations and risk assessments. They help to recognise risks at an early stage and advise on measures to improve working conditions and the well-being of employees.

What are typical measures in occupational health management?
The BGM measures include ergonomic workplace design, company health programmes such as sports and relaxation courses, medical services and measures to promote mental health, such as workshops on stress management. 

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