Occupational accidents and diseases


Occupational accidents and diseases

Accidents at work and occupational illnesses quickly lead to the decimation of the workforce. Sustainable work and a healthy corporate culture lead to long-term success and also prevent damage in the short term.

In the event of accidents at work, employees can suffer damage to their health or die. If an employee is absent for more than three days following an accident at work, the accident must be reported to the employers' liability insurance association. Employers must also take a close look at the causes of the accident at work.

A comprehensive analysis of accidents at work can prevent similar incidents in the future, minimise risks and reduce costs. We provide you with comprehensive advice and work with you to analyse such incidents.

  • Analysing and assessing occupational accidents and illnesses
  • Work accident analysis
  • Support in setting up and analysing accident statistics
  • Reintegration management

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