Company doctor


Company doctor - HSE Health - Comprehensive company medical care in accordance with DGUV V2 - Focus on your health and safety!

Welcome to HSE Health,
We offer a comprehensive Occupational medical care in accordance with DGUV V2to ensure the health and safety of all employees. HSE Health combines all measures of the occupational health management and occupational health activities. Our range of services includes targeted preventive medical check-ups, professional counselling and effective preventive measures.

All companies that employ salaried staff are recognised in accordance with Occupational Safety Act (ASiG) are obliged to appoint a company doctor. This requirement is enforced by the Employer's liability insurance associations and Accident insurance funds is concretised in DGUV Regulation 2.

Our company doctors will provide you with comprehensive and legally compliant advice and support in accordance with the statutory provisions of the German Occupational Safety Act (ASiG) and the requirements of the German Social Accident Insurance Institutions (DGUV Regulation 2). With modern support models that we customise to your company and your needs, you will receive practical solutions and comprehensive support. We work together to develop customised operational solutions and document these in accordance with the regulations of the employers' liability insurance association and the Occupational Health and Safety Act (ArbSchG).

With HSE Health, you ensure that the health of your employees is in the best hands - without compromise.

Contact us today to find out more about our services. Together we ensure a healthy working environment!

Our services at a glance

Protect the health of all employees - book occupational medical check-ups directly now!

Occupational medical check-ups in accordance with ArbMedVV help you and your employees to identify and minimise health risks at an early stage. Our experienced company doctor carries out the examinations preventively and confidentially in order to avoid work-related illnesses and ensure long-term fitness for work.
Find out more about our services and book the following examinations directly with us:

G25 Driving, controlling and monitoring activities
G37 Work with visual display units
G41 Activities involving a risk of falling
Traffic medical examination incl. P licence

Personalised online advice on health and occupational safety

Our online counselling service offers employees and employers uncomplicated support on all aspects of protection and well-being in the workplace. Digital counselling services allow questions about occupational safety measures, ergonomic workplaces, stress management or legal requirements to be clarified quickly and flexibly. Particularly advantageous is the location-independent and often prompt advice, which helps to implement preventive measures and minimise work-related health risks.

Use our flexible online counselling service to clarify health and safety issues quickly and easily - regardless of location.

Book an appointment for a consultation now.

Our HSE HEALTH service catalogue

  • Health examinations
  • Suitability tests: Assessment of health suitability for certain activities.
  • Preventive medical check-ups: Regular health checks for the early detection of diseases
  • Advice for employers: support in designing safe workplaces and implementing occupational health and safety measures.
  • Workplace health promotion
  • Organisation of health days, workshops and lectures to promote health awareness among employees
  • Vaccination and travel medicine
  • Vaccination consultations and vaccinations, especially for travelling to risk areas.
  • Telemedical services
  • Use of digital platforms for medical consultations and psychological consultations.
Underlying hazard factor
G 1.1
Silicogenic dust
G 1.2
Dust containing asbestos fibres
G 1.3
Artificial mineral dust of cat 1 or 2
G 1.4
General dust
G 2
Lead or its compounds
G 3Bleialkyl
G 4
Hazardous substances that cause skin cancer or cancer-prone skin changes
G 5
Glycol dinitrate or glycerol nitrate
G 6
Carbon disulphide
G 7
Carbon monoxide
G 8Benzene
G 9
Mercury or its compounds
G 10Methanol
G 11
Hydrogen sulphide
G 12
Phosphorus (white)
G 13
Tetrachloromethane (carbon tetrachloride)
G 14
Trichloroethene (trichloroethylene)
G 15
Chromium VI compounds
G 16
Arsenic or its compounds
G 17
G 18
1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane or perchloroethane
G 19
G 20Noise
G 21Cold
G 22
Acid damage to the teeth
G 23
Obstructive respiratory diseases
G 24
Skin diseases (with the exception of skin cancer)
G 25
Driving, control and monitoring activities
G 26
Breathing apparatus
G 27Isocyanates
G 28
Monochloromethane (chlormehan, methyl chloride)
G 29Xylene / Toluene
G 30Heat
G 31Overpressure
G 32
Cadmium and its compounds
G 33
Aromatic nitro and amino compounds
G 34
Fluorine and its inorganic compounds
G 35
Working abroad under particular climatic and health conditions
G 36Vinyl chloride
G 37
Screen work
G 38Nickel dust
G 39
Welding fumes
G 40
Carcinogenic and mutagenic hazardous substances
G 41
Dangers of falling
G 42
Risk of infection
G 43Biotechnology
G 44
Hardwood dust
G 45Styrene
G 46
Strain on the musculoskeletal system including vibrations

Traffic medicine: examinations of fitness for certain traffic activities, including driving licence examinations. 


From now on we also offer in-house medical services!

Our company doctor Dr-Medic Rency Sebastian is now looking after our customers directly from our HQ at Prenzlauer Allee 33 in Berlin! We look forward to your visit!


Book appointments directly with us in Berlin!

From 1 January 2025, you can make appointments for the G25, G37 and G41 check-ups directly, without an offer, simply, quickly and immediately!
Click now Book examination


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HSE HEALTH Germany-wide

We offer occupational health services at multiple locations throughout Germany. Explore our HSE HEALTH map. Can't find a location near you?Write to us and we will find company doctors in your area or provide you with on-site support!

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