Main services of the company doctor

  • The company doctor is an important partner when it comes to the health and safety of employees. At Health & Safety Experts Berlin, we offer comprehensive occupational health services tailored to the needs of your company.

Company medical services at a glance

  • Health checks: Regular medical checks to assess and improve the general health of your employees.
  • Aptitude tests: We check whether employees are medically fit for certain professional activities and issue the corresponding certificates.
  • Preventive medical check-ups: Preventive health checks for the early detection of illnesses and to maintain the ability to work.
  • Advice for employers: support in designing safe workplaces and implementing statutory occupational health and safety measures.
  • Workplace health promotion: organisation of health days, workshops and lectures to raise your employees' health awareness in the long term.
Vaccination and travel medicine

  • Vaccination counselling: Recommendations on the necessary vaccinations depending on the destination or professional activity.
  • Realisation of vaccinations: Including standard vaccinations and vaccinations for travelling to risk areas.

Telemedical services

Travel or work-related vaccinations are essential to provide your employees with the best possible protection. Our offer includes:

  • Medical advice: Convenient and fast via digital platforms to clarify questions about health and preventive care.
  • Psychological consultations: Support in coping with stress and psychological strain - at any time and from any location.

Company medical

Industry Name

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