Company medical examinations
G- Principle | Underlying hazard factor | medical- technical | Follow-up interval (NU) from 3rd NU according to AMR 1.2 from 5/16 |
G 1.1 | Silicogenic dust | Lung function, X-ray lung | 3 years |
G 1.2 | Dust containing asbestos fibres | Lung function, X-ray lung | 3 years |
G 1.3 | Artificial mineral dust of cat 1 or 2 | Lung function, X-ray lung | 3 years |
G 1.4 | General dust | Lung function, X-ray lung | 3 years |
G 2 | Lead or its compounds | Blood sampling, biomonitoring | 3 years |
G 3 | Bleialkyl | Blood sampling | 3 years |
G 4 | Hazardous substances that cause skin cancer or cancer-prone skin changes | Urine analysis, biomonitoring if necessary | 3 years |
G 5 | Glycol dinitrate or glycerol nitrate | Blood sampling, Schellong test, exercise ECG, long-term blood pressure measurement | 3 years |
G 6 | Carbon disulphide | Blood sampling, biomonitoring if necessary, exercise ECG | 3 years |
G 7 | Carbon monoxide | Blood sample, lung function, exercise ECG | 3 years |
G 8 | Benzene | Blood sampling, biomonitoring if necessary | 3 years |
G 9 | Mercury or its compounds | Blood sampling, biomonitoring if necessary, urine analysis | 3 years |
G 10 | Methanol | Blood sampling, biomonitoring if necessary, eye test | 3 years |
G 11 | Hydrogen sulphide | Blood sampling, ECG | 3 years |
G 12 | Phosphorus (white) | Blood sampling | 3 years |
G 13 | Tetrachloromethane (carbon tetrachloride) | Blood sampling, biomonitoring if necessary, ECG | 3 years |
G 14 | Trichloroethene (trichloroethylene) | Blood sampling, biomonitoring if necessary, ECG | 3 years |
G 15 | Chromium VI compounds | Blood sampling, biomonitoring if necessary, lung function, X-ray lungs and paranasal sinuses | 3 years |
G 16 | Arsenic or its compounds | Blood sampling | 3 years |
G 17 | Tetrachloroethene | Blood sampling, biomonitoring if necessary, ECG | 3 years |
G 18 | 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane or perchloroethane | Blood sampling, biomonitoring if necessary, ECG | 3 years |
G 19 | Dimethylformamide | Blood sampling, biomonitoring if necessary, | 3 years |
G 20 | Noise | Hearing test | 3 years |
G 21 | Cold | Urinalysis | 3 years |
G 22 | Acid damage to the teeth |
| 3 years |
G 23 | Obstructive respiratory diseases | Lung function, X-ray lung if necessary | 3 years |
G 24 | Skin diseases (with the exception of skin cancer) |
| 3 years |
G 25 | Driving, control and monitoring activities | Blood sample, hearing test, eye test, perimetry if necessary | 3 years |
G 26 | Breathing apparatus | Blood sample, lung function, lung X-ray if necessary, ECG or stress ECG if necessary, hearing test, eye test | 3 years |
G 27 | Isocyanates | Blood sampling, biomonitoring if necessary, lung function, X-ray lungs | 3 years |
G 28 | Monochloromethane (chlormehan, methyl chloride) | Blood sampling, biomonitoring if necessary, ECG | 3 years |
G 29 | Xylene / Toluene | Blood sampling, biomonitoring | 3 years |
G 30 | Heat | Exercise ECG, lung X-ray if necessary | 3 years |
G 31 | Overpressure | Lung function, lung X-ray if necessary, stress ECG, hearing test, eye test | 3 years |
G 32 | Cadmium and its compounds | Blood sample, lung function, lung X-ray if necessary | 3 years |
G 33 | Aromatic nitro and amino compounds | Blood sampling | 3 years |
G 34 | Fluorine and its inorganic compounds | Lung function, X-ray if necessary | 3 years |
G 35 | Working abroad under particular climatic and health conditions | Blood sampling | 3 years |
G 36 | Vinyl chloride | Blood sample, upper abdominal ultrasound | 3 years |
G 37 | Screen work | Eye test | 3 years |
G 38 | Nickel dust | Blood sampling, biomonitoring if necessary, lung function, X-ray lungs and paranasal sinuses | 3 years |
G 39 | Welding fumes | Lung function, X-ray lung, biomonitoring if necessary | 3 years |
G 40 | Carcinogenic and mutagenic hazardous substances | Blood sample, lung X-ray if necessary, upper abdominal ultrasound if necessary | 3 years |
G 41 | Dangers of falling | ECG or stress ECG, hearing test, eye test, perimetry | 3 years |
G 42 | Risk of infection | Blood sampling | 3 years |
G 43 | Biotechnology | Blood sampling | 3 years |
G 44 | Hardwood dust | Nasal endoscopy | 3 years |
G 45 | Styrene | Blood sampling, biomonitoring if necessary, lung function | 3 years |
G 46 | Strain on the musculoskeletal system including vibrations | - not applicable - | 3 years |