Additional services provided by the company doctor

In addition to the classic tasks of a company doctor, Health & Safety Experts Berlin offers numerous additional services that are tailored to the individual needs of your company. Our services ensure that employees are not only healthy but also safe when travelling.

Traffic medicine
Do employees have to drive for work or do they work in the transport sector? Our traffic medical examinations clarify whether all requirements for safe participation in road traffic are met. This includes

  • Driving licence examinations: Examinations that ensure that physical and mental requirements for the acquisition or renewal of driving licences are met.
  • Examinations in accordance with the Driving Licence Ordinance (FeV):
    • P licence: For anyone who wants to transport people (e.g. bus or taxi drivers).
    • HGV drivers: aptitude tests for commercial goods transport.
    • Taxi drivers: travelling safely with a professional aptitude test.


Why are these examinations important?
With our tests, you can ensure that your employees fulfil all legal requirements - and remain fit and safe at the same time. This is not only important for the protection of your employees, but also for the safety of all road users. 

Company medical

Industry Name

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