Fire brigade plans


Fire brigade plans

The fire service plan contains tactical information for the fire service. Firefighters must be able to quickly determine the best way to extinguish a fire on site. The information on the plans must therefore be technically correct in accordance with DIN 14095 and at the same time easy to understand.

There are fire brigade plans for every property. The main access routes and emergency routes, the sources of danger - for example from explosive substances - the locations of fire alarm centres, key depots and hydrants as well as stairwells and fire doors are shown in colour and with symbols.

Fire brigade plans are required on the basis of the SBauVO for the following properties, among others:

  • Places of assembly § 42 Para. 3
  • Lodging establishments (> 60 guest beds) § 57 Para. 3
  • Sales outlets § 86 para. 3
  • High-rise buildings § 117 para. 2

In addition, there may be an obligation to maintain a fire brigade plan:

  • from section 5.14.2 IndBauR (industrial buildings > 2,000 m²)
  • from section 7.3 of the guideline on building inspectorate requirements for the construction and operation of facilities with nursing and care services
  • on the basis of the Technical Connection Conditions (TAB) for fire alarm systems
  • on the basis of Section 50 (1) BauO NRW (comparable regulations also in other federal states)

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