Appointment of an internal or external fire safety officer


Appointment of an internal or external fire safety officer

Fire safety officers are the central point of contact for all fire safety issues in the company. They advise and support the employer in all matters relating to preventive, defensive and organisational fire protection as well as operational emergency management. They manage and document fire protection management and check compliance with the fire protection concept and the building permit.

Fire safety officers are either permanent employees in the company or the service is commissioned and provided by external service providers.

Prevent fires, limit their spread and impact and protect your property and employees: We check your preventive and organisational fire protection and suggest improvements.

  • Advice on ensuring the fire protection organisation
  • Checking or carrying out a regular internal fire prevention inspection, for example to identify and report violations of organisational or structural fire protection regulations
  • Checking the availability of escape and rescue routes and technical installations for fire protection
  • Instruction of company employees
  • Support or assistance with the implementation of structural changes
  • Documentation of identified defects
  • In-house training for fire safety officers

Industry Name

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