Management training in occupational safety

Management training in occupational safety

Joint task of occupational health and safety

What is our management training course about?

Our one-day training programme for managers on occupational safety is designed to strengthen managers in their role as occupational safety officers. As an occupational safety manager, your own work performance is regularly scrutinised. Their own behaviour is perceived and assessed from different perspectives and their processes and work results are evaluated by the authorities and their own company. It is important to internalise and implement the basics of occupational health and safety, as well as to navigate between your own goals and expectations and those of your employees and superiors and to act in a target-oriented manner.

We will introduce you to various occupational safety models and standards and give you an overview of the core tasks of an occupational safety officer. This expertise will enable you to take a constructive look at your own personality profile. After all, personality is crucial for the occupational safety role. Participants also learn and optimise the framework conditions for communication relevant to occupational safety.

We learn about the basis for a risk assessment and how to deal with hazards and identify risks, as well as how to establish an appreciative feedback culture. We will discuss the causes of unsafe behaviour and accidents at work and the types of accidents at work. The pillars of occupational health and safety are illustrated and concrete applications and solutions are conveyed using case studies.

Our management training provides you with the knowledge and skills you need to develop your role as a health and safety manager and proactively resolve practical health and safety issues to create a safe working environment for your employees. (1)

Training content of the management training

  • Part 1: Legal basis and fundamental objectives of occupational health and safety

    • Ideas & expectations
    • Legislation and autonomous regulations
    • What makes a good health and safety manager?
    • What makes a good occupational safety specialist?
  • Part 2: Fundamentals of the occupational health and safety system in Germany 

    • Organisation of the Employer's liability insurance association & supervisory authorities 
    • Occupational safety specialist, company doctor, safety officer, first aider, authorised person
    • Basis for risk assessment
    • Dealing with dangers
    • What is actually a risk?
    • Causes of unsafe behaviour & accidents at work
    • Types of accidents at work
    • Pillars of occupational health and safety
  • Part 3: Occupational health and safety from the employer's perspective

    • Responsibility for safety at work towards employees
    • Procedure for optimised occupational health and safety
      • Carrying out the risk assessment
    • Responsibility of managers in occupational health and safety
      • Implementation of the formal compulsory transfer
    • Accident investigation - consequences for those involved
    • Implementation of ISO / SCC standards
    • Best-practice solutions, synergies with Q methods

Managers with personnel responsibility, safety officers, occupational safety specialists, employees with a connection to occupational safety, interested parties.

Attendance certificate from the HSE Health & Safety Experts with individual certificate

Interactive input, group work, group presentations, case studies and personal feedback reinforce the learning success.

Depending on the scope, we provide materials, templates and information material, primarily in digital form.

knowledge of the applicable autonomous and statutory regulations.

Our one-day management training course helps you to handle even difficult situations in occupational health and safety safely and confidently.

With this training, the participants expand and consolidate their self-image in their role as a manager in the context of occupational safety.

We train the basics, methodology and measures of occupational health and safety and thus expand the company's own management potential and occupational safety system.

Participants benefit from a fundamental reappraisal of the topic, which provides significant impetus for processes and their own management practice.

Classroom training

Face-to-face events for learning up close and in colour. Classic knowledge transfer with effective consolidation of content.
Direct exchange with the lecturers, benefit from the participants' exchange of experience and group work in person.

Opportunity to learn outside the familiar environment for a clear focus on the training content.

Appointments at your company or at our location in Berlin are possible and thus strengthen networking within your company on the topic of occupational safety.

Dynamic learning as a large group and in small groups enables lasting consolidation of what has been learnt



Live webinars

Live webinars via Google, Zoom or Microsoft Teams draw on the extensive portfolio of digital solutions and support the training organisation with maximum automation of all processes such as appointment invitations and reminders. Other platforms for live webinars can also be connected.

The advantage here is the possibility of holding seminars with participants from different companies, participants can be registered individually or in small groups, as well as the independence of location.

A fruitful exchange of experience across company and industry boundaries enables a wide range of in-depth insights into the topic of occupational safety and creates far-reaching awareness.

Alternatively, a compact version of the course of 3 hours is also possible. Please contact us if required.

On-demand e-learning

With our online courses, participants have the opportunity to take part in our training at any time and from any location. The independence from appointments allows a high degree of flexibility to carry out the training without time pressure, which can be started at one time and continued at another. Individually controllable learning progress ensures a learning environment in which participants can learn at their own pace.

Content is supported by videos and narration, and knowledge is deepened and conveyed in a fun way using interactive digital solutions. Quizzes are used to effectively test what has been learnt.

Content can be thematically customised and tailored to individual industries. Please send us an enquiry for an individually tailored offer. Questions can be sent directly to our experts by e-mail, so that an exchange can also take place here.

Why should I take this management training course?

I benefit from expert knowledge for a better understanding of topics relating to occupational safety.

I gain a practical understanding of current duties and sources of help for managers.

I receive support for the implementation of improvement measures in my company.

I learn to recognise correlations and correctly prioritise occupational health and safety issues.

I gain knowledge of the entrepreneurial approach to occupational health and safety and of the best possible implementation with the greatest possible benefit for my company with the objective of legal certainty in occupational safety.

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Our training programme

Industry Name

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