Welcome to HSE Health & Safety Experts, your trusted partner for all health and safety consulting needs in Berlin, Germany. Our commitment to the safety and efficiency of your business is based on the expertise and dedication of our talented team.

Get to know our tech team

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Hitul - Data Analyst

Hitul acts as our point of contact for all matters related to data. His keen attention to detail and unwavering commitment to executing tasks at the highest level of quality are fundamental to the success of our team. Hitul's skills extend far beyond his specialised field, enabling him to tackle a wide range of challenges from programming to software setup and research.

Mercedes - Digital Project Manager

Mercedes, the head of our tech team, brings a wealth of expertise from various fields. She manages everything digital in our company with a particular passion for the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and an exceptional talent for organisation and project management. This includes software, our digital learning platform, websites and social media. She ensures that we realise our founder's vision and continuously develop digital products both internally and externally. Mercedes uses her diverse experience to design digital solutions with outstanding usability to tailor our service to our customers.

Our dedicated tech team knows no boundaries and sees no problem as unsolvable. We constantly strive for excellence to find optimal solutions for our clients and the health and safety needs of various industries. In the digital era, digital innovation is critical to our success at HSE Health & Safety Experts. Contact us today to find out how our experienced team can work with your organisation. We offer the expertise and support needed to create a safer, more efficient and compliant workplace. Your prosperity and safety are our top priority. Are you interested in becoming part of our tech team? Take a look at our open Jobs or send us a speculative application. You can also take a look at our LinkedIn profile to find out more about us. We look forward to receiving your applications.

Team Tech

Health&Safety Expert Tech Hitul
Health&Safety Experts Tech Team Lead Mercedes

Contact Us


Prenzlauer Allee 33 10405 Berlin


+49 30 23131523


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