Carrying out inspections


Carrying out inspections

Safety inspections should be carried out at regular intervals at all workplaces. During these inspections, deficiencies can be documented and solutions sought to eliminate these deficiencies in occupational safety. In doing so, we pay attention to all regulations applicable in your industry.

Companies with more than 20 employees also require at least one safety officer in accordance with Section 20 (1) of the accident prevention regulation "Principles of Prevention" (BGV A1). They ensure that protective devices and equipment are available and point out to colleagues any behaviour that is contrary to safety or health requirements, for example the wearing of personal protective equipment (safety helmet, protective gloves, etc.).

  • Safety inspections
  • Fire safety inspections
  • Inventory and defect management
  • Inspection in accordance with the accident prevention regulations (UVV)
  • Testing of warning signalling devices
  • Inspection of ladders and steps
  • Shelf inspections
  • Hazardous substance tests
  • Inspection of SHEV systems
  • Testing of hold-open systems
  • Testing of fire doors

Industry Name

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