When working with hazardous substances or if hazardous substances are produced during activities, a company is obliged to determine the hazards posed by the substances. According to the German Chemicals Act (ChemG), substances or mixtures of substances are considered hazardous if they exhibit at least one hazard characteristic. These characteristics include, for example, the risk of explosion, toxicity, corrosiveness or flammability. Substances with hazardous properties must be recorded by the company, the hazards categorised and reference made to safety measures and data sheets. The labelling and handling of hazardous substances is regulated in the Hazardous Substances Ordinance (GefStoffV).
If it is not possible to dispense with the handling of the hazardous substance and more harmless substances or substance mixtures cannot be used as a substitute, we will support you with the following measures:
Health and Safety Experts is committed to continuing to develop in all areas of our service and to offering our customers modern, up-to-date and flexible solutions. This is why we now also offer a digital solution in the area of hazardous substances for the optimal handling, coordination and documentation of hazardous substances for every company.
Take a look.
Our hazardous substance management system is the ideal solution for occupational safety, health and environmental protection. Our hazardous substance application simplifies the management of all information on work and hazardous substances.
The helpful tools in this software make it easy to comply with national and international regulations on handling hazardous substances and dangerous goods.
Digital management: Management of hazardous substances and the digital
Precise analysis: Analyse hazardous substances quickly and precisely
Clear rules: Clearly define the rules for all parties involved and review existing protective measures.
All information on working materials, hazardous substances and dangerous goods, available with one click.
Create clear rules for handling hazardous substances for greater safety and clear processes.
Compliance with industry standards, from substance labelling to transport documents
Automated reminders ensure that important documents are regularly updated.
"Our aim was to develop an application that simplifies the entire hazardous substance management process and enables centralised mapping. "
-Björn Schönemann, Managing Director, Health&Safety Experts
We are happy to support you with
the introduction to our software.
Regardless of whether it is the transfer of data
from the old system,
the customisation of interfaces
or the implementation of new processes,
Our team provides active support.
We offer user training
Whether digital or on site, just as you wish
and are happy to provide information material.
Even after implementation, we are
our customers there to solve problems
and during implementation in the company
We are always at your disposal.
We are at your side every step of the way when it comes to questions about our software and beyond.
Whether for our new customers or for our long-standing existing customers, we will find a solution that meets their requirements.
Our team answers all questions, from clarification of classifications to support in the selection of information sources and the common interpretation of regulations.
Thanks to our involvement in various committees and the continuous exchange of technical information, we at HSE Health & Safety Experts always have an overview and take into account the current views of authorities and industry representatives.
We are happy to make changes at the customer's request and customise parts of the software to meet their needs. Questions, ideas for improvement and requests are always welcome. Contact us
Effortless management of your hazardous substance documents. Always remain compliant with all legal regulations and optimise your own processes at the same time.
From the creation of safety data sheets to the integration of hazardous substance management into in-house IT - our software can be fully customised to meet individual requirements. Benefit from simple administration, comprehensive rights management and maximum data security.
Start using it immediately!
The software is still in beta test status. Would you like to know more? We would be happy to talk to interested parties in person. click here.
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