Co2 Reduction Is Koenig



The good news right at the start: Health&Safety Experts is climate-neutral!

You can find out what this means and how we achieved it here.

It is important to explain all steps transparently and comprehensibly.


In order to be considered CO2/climate neutral, a company or product must not cause any climate-damaging emissions or the greenhouse gases produced must be offset by certified compensation projects. However, for this to be credible and transparent, a number of important steps must be taken.


A company's ecological footprint serves as the basis for a climate protection strategy. The first step is to determine the amount of greenhouse gases produced and identify the areas where CO2 emissions are highest. Based on this information, further steps can be planned and implemented.

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Our first step was to determine the amount of harmful greenhouse gases we produce and where they are produced. This involves using carbon calculators to input information on energy consumption, transport and resource use. This research involves collecting and collating various bills such as gas, electricity, transport costs such as business travel and office consumables expenditure. Here is an overview of our collected values:

  • Electricity consumption 2021: 5489 kWh generates 1.92 t CO2e.
  • Gas consumption 2021: 14627 kWh generates 3.12 t CO2e.
  • Employee journeys in 2021: 9606 km generates 2.05 t CO2e.
  • Petrol consumed in the 2021 fleet: 4940 l generates 13.20 t CO2e.
  • Business trips 2021: two medium-haul flights up to 2000km: 0.74 t CO2e.
  • A4 paper consumption at Health&Safety Experts 2021: 4609 pages generates 0.03 t CO2e.
  • A3 paper consumption at Health&Safety Experts 2021: 35 pages generates >0.01 t CO2e.

We have identified a total of seven sources for the production of harmful greenhouse gases.
In the end, Health&Safety Experts has an annual CO2 footprint of 21.07 tonnes of CO2e.


In addition to carbon dioxide (CO2), other gases are also responsible for the greenhouse effect, in particular methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O).
They have a much more harmful greenhouse gas potential than CO2. The same amount has a much stronger effect.
In order to be able to compare the effectiveness of the greenhouse gases with each other, they are converted to CO2
- is then referred to as CO2 equivalents (eq = equivalent).

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Reducing CO2 emissions as much as possible is the most important aspect of any climate protection strategy. Avoiding and reducing emissions is always better, because you don't need to compensate for what you don't emit. Now that the polluters have been identified, it is easier for us to consciously pay attention to harmful greenhouse gas emissions and avoid them. This idea runs through our daily work. Do we really need to print out a document? Is this or that car journey really necessary? Is the light on in rooms where nobody is present or is the heating on at an open window? - With a heightened awareness in this respect, everyone can do something to protect the environment.


The environmental damage caused by our own emissions cannot be completely avoided at present. But there is an intelligent solution.
For the climate, it does not matter where the greenhouse gases are emitted or avoided. Emissions in one place can be offset by savings elsewhere. In practice, this means that you can offset your own emissions by investing in climate protection projects.
It is important to note that the climate protection project would not exist without the offsetting mechanism, i.e. the project is an additional climate protection measure.

Health&Safety Experts is committed to compensating for the environmental damage caused by our operational emissions.
To achieve this, we invest in two areas: in traditional CO2 certificates and in reforestation projects at home and abroad to offset carbon emissions. Our primary goal is to protect the environment and climate in Germany, where our CO2 emissions originate, but we are also motivated to improve the situation overall. We believe that this combination of investments allows us to make the most effective contribution to offsetting our emissions.

We invest with the help of our climate protection partner Text related to our partner

1st Health&Safety Experts_CO2-Certificate_2021

2. health&Safety Experts_CO2-Certificate_2022

EXAMPLE: We are also planning a joint reforestation campaign in Brandenburg for spring 2023. So put on your wellies and grab your shovels and head into the forest. OR collect and recycle waste OR green office strategy (sustainable planting systems in the office). More on this later.


As a team, we are very proud of our awareness of environmental protection.
It is important to us to take responsibility and talk about it.
If you have any questions about environmental protection at Health&Safety Experts, please give us a call.
We look forward to the exchange on this topic.


Prenzlauer Allee 33 10405 Berlin


+49 30 23131523


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