Company medical care in accordance with DGUV V2


Company medical care in accordance with DGUV V2

All companies with employees must appoint a company doctor (BA) in accordance with the Occupational Safety Act (ASiG). The employers' liability insurance associations and accident insurance funds have specified this in the DGUV Regulation 2.

Our company doctors provide comprehensive advice and support in your company in accordance with the German Occupational Safety Act (ASiG) and the regulations of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV Regulation 2).

We offer practical solutions and extensive support through modern support models that are customised to your company and your needs. We work with you to develop company-specific solutions and document them in accordance with the regulations of the employers' liability insurance association and statutory provisions (ArbSchG).

  • Basic and company-specific support
  • Event-related support
  • Position of a company doctor / occupational physician

Industry Name

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