Evacuation and evacuation exercise


Evacuation and evacuation exercise

The need to carry out evacuation drills for operational reasons arises from, among other things

  • § Section 10 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act,
  • § Section 4 (4) of the Workplace Ordinance,
  • § 13 (1) of the Hazardous Substances Ordinance,

or from other regulations (e.g. the Hazardous Incident Ordinance, Technical Rules for Workplaces).

In accordance with Section 4 (4) of the Workplace Ordinance, the employer must draw up an escape and rescue plan if the location, extent and type of use of the workplace make this necessary.

The plan must be displayed or posted in suitable places in the workplace. Drills must be carried out at appropriate intervals in accordance with this plan.

This is specified in the Technical Rules for Workplaces - ASR A2.3 "Escape routes, emergency exits, escape and rescue plans" According to point 9 (7) of the ASR, evacuation drills must be carried out on the basis of the escape and rescue plans.

After careful planning, we will be happy to carry out an evacuation exercise for your company. Of course, this exercise also includes detailed documentation and solution-orientated preparation of improvement measures.

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