Fire safety officer training

Fire safety assistants save lives

Are you looking for a modern and dynamic training programme for your employees to be optimally prepared in the event of a fire? Then you've come to the right place!

Our newly designed fire safety assistant training is specifically designed to prepare employees for their tasks in the event of a fire in a practical and precise manner. The focus is on fighting incipient fires and evacuating employees and visitors.

Our trained fire safety experts are qualified to provide training at our training centre in Berlin or directly at your company. We attach particular importance to a personalised approach and up-to-date training. We cater to your needs; a hybrid solution with a digital theory section and practical training on site is also possible. 

However, our training is not only useful in the event of an acute fire, but also in the run-up to fire prevention. Thanks to their training, employees are able to recognise fire hazards at an early stage and develop and implement appropriate measures.

Practical relevance: Our training includes a practical extinguishing exercise to prepare the participants in the best possible way for the requirements and procedures in an emergency.

Essential for every company, for optimal operational safety, have your employees trained by our experienced fire protection experts!

We are at your service throughout Germany. Regardless of whether a company is in Hamburg, Frankfurt, Cologne, Berlin, Leipzig, Munich or Stuttgart, we provide on-site training (also applies to locations not mentioned here). 

Our training content in accordance with DGUV Information 205-023 for fire protection and evacuation assistants:



"Legal basis

"Basics of combustion

"Common causes of fire

"Preventive fire protection

"Dangers from fires

"Company fire protection organisation (BSO Parts A, B and C)

"Function and mode of operation of fire extinguishing equipment

"Extinguishing agents and their effect


"Instruction on the fire extinguisher

"Extinguishing tactics for extinguishing attempts

"Extinguishing practice for fires involving people

"Practical extinguishing exercises with fire extinguishers: Effect and handling of fire extinguishers


Why are
Fire protection assistants * inside
so important?

Fire safety assistants play a crucial role in ensuring safety in the workplace. The presence of trained fire safety assistants can reduce the risk of fires in companies and enable a faster response in an emergency. Fire safety assistants are not only responsible for carrying out fire extinguishing work, but also for ensuring compliance with fire safety regulations and measures. They regularly check the fire safety equipment in the company to ensure that it is in perfect condition.

Another important reason why fire safety assistants are so important is the legal obligation. Employers are required by the Workplace Ordinance and the Employer's Liability Insurance Association to have a sufficient number of fire safety assistants in the company. This not only serves to protect the employees and the company, but also to fulfil the legal requirements and avoid possible penalties.

to the
Fire protection assistants * in

By training as a fire safety assistant, a company can prepare its employees for certain emergencies. According to the law, a certain number of fire safety assistants must be present in the company. The regulation states that this should be 5 per cent of the total workforce. If there is an increased risk of fire, it should even be 10 per cent. These requirements are set out in the technical regulations for workplaces, ASR for short. It should be noted that the number of fire safety assistants relates to the number of people present. It is advisable to always have a higher number of helpers in the company to ensure safety.

Training to become a fire safety assistant can take place either externally or in the company. It is important that the trainer is qualified. Certified fire safety officers who can train fire safety assistants are qualified to do this. This training regulation is laid down in Section 10 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and must be complied with. Regular training of fire safety assistants is recommended in order to stay up to date and to be able to act quickly and effectively in an emergency.

Classroom training

Face-to-face events for learning up close and in colour. Classic knowledge transfer with effective consolidation of content.
Direct exchange with the lecturers, benefit from the participants' exchange of experience and group work in person.

Opportunity to learn outside the familiar environment for a clear focus on the training content.

Appointments at your company or at our location in Berlin are possible and thus strengthen networking within your company on the topic of occupational safety.

Dynamic learning as a large group and in small groups enables lasting consolidation of what has been learnt



Live webinars

Live webinars via Google, Zoom or Microsoft Teams draw on the extensive portfolio of digital solutions and support the training organisation with maximum automation of all processes such as appointment invitations and reminders. Other platforms for live webinars can also be connected.

The advantage here is the possibility of holding seminars with participants from different companies, participants can be registered individually or in small groups, as well as the independence of location.

A fruitful exchange of experience across company and industry boundaries enables a wide range of in-depth insights into the topic of occupational safety and creates far-reaching awareness.

Alternatively, a compact version of the course of 3 hours is also possible. Please contact us if required.

On-demand e-learning

With our online courses, participants have the opportunity to take part in our training at any time and from any location. The independence from appointments allows a high degree of flexibility to carry out the training without time pressure, which can be started at one time and continued at another. Individually controllable learning progress ensures a learning environment in which participants can learn at their own pace.

Content is supported by videos and narration, and knowledge is deepened and conveyed in a fun way using interactive digital solutions. Quizzes are used to effectively test what has been learnt.

Content can be thematically customised and tailored to individual industries. Please send us an enquiry for an individually tailored offer. Questions can be sent directly to our experts by e-mail, so that an exchange can also take place here.

Have fire safety assistants trained by external service providers

Would you like to have your employees trained as fire safety assistants by an external service provider? The fire safety experts from Health&Safety Experts are qualified specialists and can train your employees in accordance with legal regulations. In this way, your company fulfils its duty of care and creates legal certainty by complying with fire safety regulations. Training as a fire safety assistant also improves the protection of company buildings, operating facilities and equipment in equal measure. Carelessness can be avoided, especially in preventive fire protection. Such training also increases employee motivation, as they feel safer and know how to act quickly and effectively in an emergency.


Contents of training to become a fire safety assistant * in

The training includes theoretical content and practical exercises that prepare your employees for various emergency situations. It is not only about basic behaviour in the event of a fire, but also about evacuation plans and the effect of extinguishing agents in the event of a fire. The specialists from Health&Safety Experts can provide you with competent support during the training. At the end of the training, each participant receives a certificate that completes the fire safety assistant training and enables your company to fulfil its obligations. You can find out more about training to become a fire safety assistant from Health&Safety Experts.




"Fire protection and evacuation assistant"


No prerequisites are necessary.


In accordance with DGUV Information 205-023, refresher training is recommended every 3-5 years.

Legal basis:

Occupational Health and Safety Act

Workplace Ordinance

Technical rules for workplaces (ASR A2.2)

German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV Regulation 1)

Our training programme

Industry Name

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