+49 30 23131523 | [email protected]


Working student in the field of Health & Safety [m/f/d] - remote possible!

You are studying engineering, labour, environmental or health sciences and you want to apply your theoretical knowledge in practice. 

You will provide us with technical and administrative support for our exciting projects in the field of occupational health and safety. 

You enjoy working independently and responsibly and would like to help shape your area of work. Are you interested in a young, dynamic company and would you like to develop further in the area of Health & Safety? Then we are exactly the right team for you!

What defines us

We as Health & Safety Experts are a young, highly motivated and established company from Berlin. We offer excellent services in the field of occupational health and safety. As Health & Safety Experts, we analyse and review work environments and processes, design prevention programmes, investigate incidents, determine causes and train employees for emergencies. 

Today, we secure the locations and projects of companies in numerous industries and cities throughout Europe.

Who we are looking for

  • A positive charisma and enjoyment in dealing with people with
  • Reliability and a quick grasp of things
  • Personal commitment and ability to improvise 
  • Service-orientated action
  • Strong ability to work in a team, strong organisational skills, responsible actions and hands-on mentality
  • A structured, independent and conscientious way of working
  • Flexibility and a high level of self-motivation
  • Knowledge of MS Office or G-Suite is required

What's waiting for you

  • You will support our safety engineers with administrative and organisational tasks and work closely with colleagues from all departments
  • Based on your theoretical knowledge, you will take on sub-projects to develop them independently and on your own responsibility
  • You are in regular contact with our customers to answer technical questions, or you work closely with our specialists to solve complicated tasks
  • Creation and updating of relevant documents
  • You independently prepare safety, fire protection and environmental concepts
  • Organize, control and maintain inquiries, orders and deadlines

What we offer

  • Positive, inspiring working atmosphere and exciting tasks
  • A hybrid working model with a mixture of home office & on-site work in Berlin - remote work is also possible
  • Positive, inspiring working atmosphere
  • Personal familiarisation
  • Flexible working hours
  • Our culture: A family-like and appreciative atmosphere

Are you in?

Industry Name

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