The need for organisational measures arises from special building regulations and the Occupational Health and Safety Act with its subordinate directives, ordinances and accident prevention regulations (see also DGUV Regulation 1 "Principles of Prevention").
Typical organisational measures are
- Appointment of fire safety officers, fire safety assistants or self-help personnel
- Creation and introduction of fire safety regulations
- Instructing employees in the safe handling of equipment and highly flammable substances, formulating appropriate operating instructions
- Carrying out evacuation and evacuation drills
- Creation of evacuation concepts for e.g. places of assembly in accordance with § 42 Para. 1 SBauVO or sales premises in accordance with § 86 Para. 1 SBauVO
- Instruction in the correct use of fire extinguishers
- Labelling of escape routes
- Creating and maintaining escape and rescue plans, fire brigade plans and fire alarm route maps