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Creation of organisational fire protection measures


Creation of organisational fire protection measures

The need for organisational measures arises from special building regulations and the Occupational Health and Safety Act with its subordinate directives, ordinances and accident prevention regulations (see also DGUV Regulation 1 "Principles of Prevention").

Typical organisational measures are

  • Appointment of fire safety officers, fire safety assistants or self-help personnel
  • Creation and introduction of fire safety regulations
  • Instructing employees in the safe handling of equipment and highly flammable substances, formulating appropriate operating instructions
  • Carrying out evacuation and evacuation drills
  • Creation of evacuation concepts for e.g. places of assembly in accordance with § 42 Para. 1 SBauVO or sales premises in accordance with § 86 Para. 1 SBauVO
  • Instruction in the correct use of fire extinguishers
  • Labelling of escape routes
  • Creating and maintaining escape and rescue plans, fire brigade plans and fire alarm route maps

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